
How To Find The Domain Of F

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The domain of a role is the set of numbers that tin go into a given role. In other words, it is the set of x-values that you can put into any given equation. The set up of possible y-values is called the range. If you want to know how to find the domain of a function in a variety of situations, just follow these steps.

  1. 1

    Learn the definition of the domain. The domain is defined every bit the set of input values for which the function produces an output value. In other words, the domain is the full set of x-values that can be plugged into a function to produce a y-value.

  2. 2

    Larn how to observe the domain of a variety of functions. The type of function will determine the best method for finding a domain. Hither are the basics that you lot need to know about each type of function, which will exist explained in the side by side department:

    • A polynomial function without radicals or variables in the denominator. For this blazon of function, the domain is all real numbers.
    • A function with a fraction with a variable in the denominator. To notice the domain of this type of function, prepare the bottom equal to nix and exclude the x value you find when you solve the equation.
    • A function with a variable within a radical sign. To find the domain of this type of office, just ready the terms inside the radical sign to >0 and solve to notice the values that would work for ten.
    • A role using the natural log (ln). Just set up the terms in the parentheses to >0 and solve.
    • A graph. Cheque out the graph to see which values work for 10.
    • A relation. This will exist a list of ten and y coordinates. Your domain will simply exist a list of x coordinates.


  3. iii

    Correctly land the domain. The proper notation for the domain is easy to learn, but it is important that you write it correctly to express the right reply and get full points on assignments and tests. Hither are a few things you need to know about writing the domain of a function:

    • The format for expressing the domain is an open subclass/parenthesis, followed by the ii endpoints of the domain separated by a comma, followed by a airtight subclass/parenthesis.[one]
      • For example, [-1,5). This means that the domain goes from -1 to v.
    • Utilise brackets such as [ and ] to indicate that a number is included in the domain.
      • So in the example, [-1,5), the domain includes -1.
    • Use parentheses such every bit ( and ) to point that a number is not included in the domain.
      • And so in the case, [-1,5), v is not included in the domain. The domain stops arbitrarily short of 5, i.e. 4.999…
    • Use "U" (meaning "union") to connect parts of the domain that are separated past a gap.'
      • For instance, [-1,five) U (5,10]. This means that the domain goes from -one to 10, inclusive, but that there is a gap in the domain at v. This could be the result of, for case, a part with "x - v" in the denominator.
      • Yous can use every bit many "U" symbols every bit necessary if the domain has multiple gaps in information technology.
    • Use infinity and negative infinity signs to express that the domain goes on infinitely in either direction.
      • Always use ( ), non [ ], with infinity symbols.
    • Keep in mind that this annotation may be different depending on where you lot live.
      • The rules outlined above apply to the United kingdom of great britain and northern ireland and United states.
      • Some regions utilize arrows instead of infinity signs to limited that the domain goes on infinitely in either direction.
      • Usage of brackets varies wildly across regions. For example, Belgium uses opposite square brackets instead of round ones.


  1. 1

    Write the problem. Let's say you're working with the following trouble:

    • f(ten) = 2x/(x2 - 4)
  2. 2

    Set the denominator equal to null for fractions with a variable in the denominator. When finding the domain of a fractional function, you must exclude all the x-values that make the denominator equal to zip, because you can never split by nada. And so, write the denominator as an equation and set it equal to 0.[ii] Here's how y'all do information technology:

    • f(x) = 2x/(10two - 4)
    • xtwo - 4 = 0
    • (x - two )(x + 2) = 0
    • x ≠ (2, - two)
  3. 3

    State the domain. Here's how yous exercise it:

    • 10 = all existent numbers except ii and -two


  1. 1

    Write the problem. Permit's say you're working with the following trouble: Y =√(x-7)

  2. 2

    Set the terms within the radicand to be greater than or equal to 0. You cannot take the foursquare root of a negative number, though you lot can accept the square root of 0. So, set the terms within the radicand to be greater than or equal to 0.[iii] Note that this applies not just to foursquare roots, but to all even-numbered roots. Information technology does not, notwithstanding, apply to odd-numbered roots, because it is perfectly fine to have negatives nether odd roots. Here'south how:

    • ten-seven ≧ 0
  3. 3

    Isolate the variable. Now, to isolate x on the left side of the equation, simply add together vii to both sides, so you're left with the following:[4]

    • x ≧ 7
  4. 4

    State the domain correctly. Here is how you lot would write it:

    • D = [seven,∞)
  5. five

    Find the domain of a role with a square root when at that place are multiple solutions. Let's say you're working with the following function: Y = 1/√( ̅x2 -4). When you factor the denominator and set information technology equal to zero, you'll get ten ≠ (2, - 2). Hither's where you go from at that place:

    • Now, check the surface area below -ii (by plugging in -3, for example), to see if the numbers below -ii tin can be plugged into the denominator to yield a number higher than 0. They do.
      • (-iii)2 - 4 = 5
    • Now, bank check the surface area between -2 and ii. Pick 0, for example.
      • 0two - 4 = -four, so you know the numbers between -2 and 2 don't work.
    • At present try a number above ii, such as +three.
      • 3two - four = 5, so the numbers over 2 do work.
    • Write the domain when you're done. Hither is how you lot would write the domain:
      • D = (-∞, -2) U (2, ∞)


  1. 1

    Write the problem. Let's say you're working with this 1:

    • f(10) = ln(x-8)
  2. 2

    Set the terms within the parentheses to greater than zero. The natural log has to be a positive number,[5] and so ready the terms inside the parentheses to greater than zero to brand it so. Here'southward what you lot do:

    • ten - 8 > 0
  3. three

    Solve. Simply isolate the variable 10 by adding eight to both sides.[6] Here's how:

    • x - 8 + 8 > 0 + eight
    • x > eight
  4. 4

    Land the domain. Prove that the domain for this equation is equal to all numbers greater than 8 until infinity.[7] Here'southward how:

    • D = (8,∞)


  1. 1

    Look at the graph.

  2. 2

    Check out the ten-values that are included in the graph. [8] This may be easier said than done, but here are some tips:

    • A line. If you come across a not-vertical line on the graph that extends to infinity in both directions, then all versions of x will be covered somewhen, so the domain is equal to all real numbers.
    • A normal parabola. If yous see a parabola that is facing upwardly or down, so yep, the domain volition exist all real numbers, because all numbers on the 10-axis will eventually be covered.
    • A sideways parabola. Now, if you have a parabola with a vertex at (four,0) which extends infinitely to the right, and so your domain is D = [4,∞)
  3. 3

    Land the domain. Merely state the domain based on the type of graph you're working with. If you're uncertain and know the equation of the line, plug the ten-coordinates back into the function to cheque.[9]


  1. one

    Write downwardly the relation. A relation is simply a fix of ordered pairs. Let's say y'all're working with the following coordinates: {(1, 3), (2, 4), (five, 7)}

  2. 2

    Write down the x coordinates. They are: 1, two, five.[ten]

  3. 3

    Land the domain. D = {ane, 2, 5}

  4. 4

    Make sure the relation is a function. For a relation to be a function, every time you put in ane numerical x coordinate, you should get the aforementioned y coordinate. So, if you put in 3 for x, yous should e'er become 6 for y, then on. The following relation is not a function because the x coordinate, 1, has two different corresponding values of y, 4 and v. {(i,4), (3,five), (1,v)}. [11]


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  • Question

    How practise you find the domain of a part algebraically?

    Mario Banuelos, PhD

    Mario Banuelos is an Assistant Professor of Mathematics at California Country University, Fresno. With over eight years of teaching feel, Mario specializes in mathematical biology, optimization, statistical models for genome development, and information science. Mario holds a BA in Mathematics from California State University, Fresno, and a Ph.D. in Applied Mathematics from the University of California, Merced. Mario has taught at both the high school and collegiate levels.

    Mario Banuelos, PhD

    Assistant Professor of Mathematics

    Proficient Answer

    If your function is a fraction, set the denominator equal to 0 and solve. The domain would then be all real numbers except for whatever input makes your denominator equal to 0. For a square root, set whatever is inside the radical to greater than or equal to 0 and solve, since you lot can't utilize whatsoever inputs that produce an imaginary number (i.e., the square root of a negative).

  • Question

    Tin can I find the domain of a office with a calculator?

    Mario Banuelos, PhD

    Mario Banuelos is an Banana Professor of Mathematics at California Land University, Fresno. With over eight years of teaching feel, Mario specializes in mathematical biology, optimization, statistical models for genome evolution, and data scientific discipline. Mario holds a BA in Mathematics from California State University, Fresno, and a Ph.D. in Applied Mathematics from the University of California, Merced. Mario has taught at both the high school and collegiate levels.

    Mario Banuelos, PhD

    Assistant Professor of Mathematics

    Expert Answer

    Yes. You lot can use a graphing calculator to summate domain by plotting the function. There are also a diverseness of domain and range calculators online. Simply input your function to detect the domain, which is a set of x-values that will successfully generate y-values.

  • Question

    How do I find the domain of 1/2 tan(90x/ii)?

    Community Answer

    The function tan(90x/2) is undefined at 90x/2 = pi/2 + pi*n, where n is an integer. Simply solve for x to obtain pi/ninety + pi*due north/45, where n is an integer.

  • Question

    What would be the domain if you have a cost equation of y=900 + 10.5x & a revenue equation of y=30x?

    Community Answer

    There are no mathematical restrictions on those functions, only the economic context likely imposes an implied domain brake. Probably 10 can't exist negative or x must likewise exist an integer (one tin't sell half cars, for instance).

  • Question

    How do I notice the domain of the function f(10)=(x^2-5x+six)^(one/ii)?

    Community Answer

    You lot want the matter you're taking square root of to be nonnegative, so ready ten^2-5x+half-dozen>=0. Solve that for a domain of (-inf, 2] U [3, inf).

  • Question

    How do I find the domain of functions given within an angle bracket? (For example, r(t)= (5t+one), t^ii >)

    Community Answer

    This site might accept mangled your formatting, so apologies if I'm answering the wrong question. It looks like you're describing a function r which takes real numbers and outputs vectors. If and then, so notice the domain of each individual component of r. So the domain of r is the intersection of the domains of each component. If each component is a polynomial like r(t) = 5t+ane or r(t) = t^two, and so the domain is all of R.

  • Question

    What is the domain of the part y = ten + sqrt(x) + ane?

    Community Answer

    Since sqrt(x) >= 0, the domain is [0,infinity), or all non-negative numbers.

  • Question

    What is the domain of y = 3x + 8?

    Community Answer

    The domain of y = 3x + 8 is all real numbers, since 3x is a linear function. Linear functions are polynomials, therefore having all real numbers.

  • Question

    How practise I notice the domain of f(x) = 7/(x^2-1000)?

    Community Answer

    You cannot split past null, so x^two - 1000 != 0. Solve to get x = +- 10, so the domain is the real numbers except ten = +-10.

  • Question

    How practise I find the domain for a trinomial function?

    Community Answer

    A trinomial function, assuming it is in factored class, volition have a domain of all real numbers. When you lot FOIL out the trinomials, you will get a resulting cubic function. Cubic functions are polynomials, therefore having a domain of all real numbers.

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Commodity Summary X

To find the domain of a function that has a fraction in it, set the denominator and so it's equal to 0. Then, exclude all of the variable values that make the denominator equal to 0 since y'all can't divide by 0. Once you've found these values, write the domain every bit the variable equal to all existent numbers except for the excluded numbers. If the part has a square root in it, ready the terms within the radicand to be greater than or equal to 0. Then, isolate the variable and state the domain. If you want to acquire how to discover the domain of a function on a coordinate aeroplane, continue reading the article!

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